1.求 反战歌曲tell me why 的 歌词 ?

2.可有名的一首歌, 高潮是tell me why~~~~~~ 是啥歌啊

3.泰勒的tell me why的歌词

4.tell me why的歌词

5.tell me why歌词

6.求歌曲tell me why(是个英国小孩唱的) 的中英文歌词

7.tell me why Taylor Swift 中文歌词

_tell me why 歌词

In my dream, 在我梦中 children sing a song of love for every boy and girl . 孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌. The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world. 蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言. Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need. 然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人. Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it he to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I he missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) because I don't understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don't give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Every day, I ask myself, 每天我都在问自己 what will I he to do to be a man? 做为一个人我该做些什么 Do I he to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am? 我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值 Is that what my life is for, to waste in a world full of war? 而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是战争的世界? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it he to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I he missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) because I don't understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don't give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) just tell me why! 仅仅告诉我为什么! tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it he to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I he missed? 有什么我错过了? tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cause I don't understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don't give a helping hand 我们不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does the tiger run) (为什么,为什么,老虎也要逃跑) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we shoot the gun) (为什么,为什么,我们让射出枪膛) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we never learn) (为什么,为什么,我们从来不吸取教训) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林 (Why,why,do we said we care) (为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we stand and stare) (为什么,为什么,我们只是站着旁观) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (why, why, do the dolphins cry) (为什么,为什么,海豚在哭泣) Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去 (Why,why,if we're all the same) (为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we pass and blame) (为什么,为什么,我们却在互相谴责) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does it never end) (为什么,为什么,这些永无休止) Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处 Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么,为什么,(我们闭上了我们的眼睛) Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么,为什么,(我们让生命满是贪婪) Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么,为什么,(我们为了土地而争斗) Can someone tell us why 'cos we don't understand? 谁能告诉我因为我们实在无法理解? Why,why?! 为什么,为什么?!

求 反战歌曲tell me why 的 歌词 ?





































.v9yy v9

可有名的一首歌, 高潮是tell me why~~~~~~ 是啥歌啊

Tell me why

In my dream 梦中

children sing 孩子们唱着

a song of love for every boy and girl 一首献给所有孩子们关于爱的歌

The sky is blue and fields are green 天色蔚蓝,大地青葱

and laughter is the language of the world 笑声是全世界唯一通用的语言

Than I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need但当我惊醒我看到的是饿殍遍地


Tell me why(why) 告诉我为什么

does it he to be like this? 因为是上天注定的吗?

Tell me why(why) 为什么?

is there something I he missed? 是否只是因为我没有察觉

Tell me why(why) 告诉我为什么

cos' I don't understand 我不明白

when so many need somebody 当他们对我们祈求时

we don't give a helping hand 我们只会袖手旁观

Tell me why? 为什么?

Every day 每天

I ask myself 我扪心自问

what will I he to do to be a man 如何努力才能成为一个男人

Do I he to stand and fight, 难道非要无休止得忍受和争夺

to prove to everybody who I am? 来向世人证明自己吗?

Is that what my life is far 这就将是我漫长的生命吗----

to waste in a world full of war? 在炮火横行的世界中慢慢消逝?


Tell me why(why) 告诉我为什么

does it he to be like this? 这是上天注定的吗?

Tell me why(why) 为什么?

is there something I he missed? 是否只是因为我没有察觉

]Tell me why(why) 为什么?

'cos I don't understand 我不明白---

when so many need somebody 为什么当他们对我们祈求时

we don't give a helping hand 我们只会袖手旁观

Tell me why (Tell me why)? 告诉我为什么(为什么?)

]Tell me why (Tell me why)? 为什么?(为什么?)

Tell me why (Tell me why)? 为什么?(为什么?)

Just tell me why! 快告诉我!


Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么?)

does it he to be like this? 因为必须是这样么?

Tell me why(why) 为什么?(为什么?)

is there something I he missed 是否只是因为我没有察觉

Tell me why(why) 为什么(为什么?)

'cos I don't understand, 我不明白----

when so many need somebody, 为什么当他们对我们祈求时

we don't give a helping hand. 我们只会袖手旁观!

Tell me why? 为什么!

(Why,why,does the tiger run)(为什么物种在灭绝?)

Tell me why? 告诉我为什么!

(Why,why,do we shoot the gun) (为什么枪炮要开火?)

Tell me why? 为什么!

(Why,why,do we never learn) (为什么我们不知悔改?)

Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 有没有人能告诉我们为什么森林被付之一炬?!

(Why,why,do we say we care)(为什么我们只是装作慷慨)

Tell me why? 为什么

(Why,why,do we stand and stare)(为什么我们纵容旁观!)

Tell me why? 为什么!

(do the dolphins cry) (为什么海豚要哀鸣!)

Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?有没有人能告诉我们为什么海洋被夺去蓝色?!

(Why,why,if we're all the same) (为什么不能平等!)

Tell me why?为什么?(为什么我们只会抱怨别人!)

Tell me why? 为什么!

(Why,why,does it never end) (为什么永远没用尽头!)

Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 有门有人能告诉我们为什么做不成朋友!

Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么(我们视而不见?)

Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么(要享受贪婪?)

Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么(为了土地而战斗?)

Can someone tell us why 'cos we don't understand? 有没有人能告诉为什么我们甚至都不明白这到底是为了什么!

Why,why!! 为什么!!!

泰勒的tell me why的歌词

歌名:tell me why



In my dream, 在我梦中

children sing a song of love for every boy and girl . 孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌.

The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world. 蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言.

Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need. 然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人.

Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么)

does it he to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗?

Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么)

is there something I he missed? 是不是我错过了什么?

Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么)

cos' I don't understand, 因为我实在是无法理解

when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人

we don't give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手

Tell me why? 告诉我为什么

Every day, I ask myself, 每天我都在问自己

what will I he to do to be a man? 做为一个人我该做些什么

Do I he to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am?


Is that what my life is for, to waste in a world full of war? 而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是战争的世界?

Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么)

does it he to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗?

Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么)

is there something I he missed? 是不是我错过了什么?

Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么)

cos' I don't understand, 因为我实在是无法理解

when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人

we don't give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手

tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么)

tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么)

tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么)

just tell me why! 仅仅告诉我为什么!

tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么)

does it he to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗?

tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么)

is there something I he missed? 有什么我错过了?

tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么)

cos' I don't understand, 因为我实在是无法理解

when so many need somebody 有那么多需要帮助的人

we don't give a helping hand 我们不伸出援助之手

Tell me why? 告诉我为什么

(Why,why,does the tiger run) (为什么,为什么,老虎也要逃跑)

Tell me why? 告诉我为什么

(Why,why,do we shoot the gun) (为什么,为什么,我们让射出枪膛)

Tell me why? 告诉我为什么

(Why,why,do we never learn) (为什么,为什么,我们从来不吸取教训)

Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林 (Why,why,do we said we care) (为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎)

Tell me why? 告诉我为什么

(Why,why,do we stand and stare) (为什么,为什么,我们只是站着旁观)

Tell me why? 告诉我为什么

(why, why, do the dolphins cry) (为什么,为什么,海豚在哭泣)

Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去 (Why,why,if we're all the same) (为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的)

Tell me why? 告诉我为什么

(Why,why,do we pass and blame) (为什么,为什么,我们却在互相谴责)

Tell me why? 告诉我为什么

(Why,why,does it never end) (为什么,为什么,这些永无休止)

Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处

Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么,为什么,(我们闭上了我们的眼睛)

Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么,为什么,(我们让生命满是贪婪)

Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么,为什么,(我们为了土地而争斗)

Can someone tell us why 'cos we don't understand? 谁能告诉我因为我们实在无法解? Why,why? 为什么,为什么?

tell me why的歌词

I took a chance, i took a shot


and you might think i'm bulletproof, but i'm not


you took a swing, i took it hard


and down here from the ground i see who you are


I'm sick and tired of your attitude


I'm feeling like i don't know you


you tell me that you love me then you cut me down


and i need you like a heartbeat


but you know you got a mean streak


makes me run for cover when you're around


and here's to you and your temper


yes, i remember what you said last night


and i know that you see what you're doing to me


tell me why..


You could write a book on


how to ruin someone's perfect day


well i get so confused and frustrated


forget what i'm trying to say, oh


I'm sick and tired of your reasons


I got no one to believe in


you tell me that you want me, then push me around


and i need you like a heartbeat


but you know you got a mean streak


makes me run for cover when you're around


here's to you and your temper


yes, i remember what you said last night


and i know that you see what you're doing to me


tell me why..


why..do you he to make me feel small


so you can feel whole inside


why..do you he to put down my dreams


so you're the only thing on my mind


i'm sick and tired of your attitude


i'm feeling like i don't know you


you tell me that you want me then cut me down


i'm sick and tired of your reasons


i've got no one to believe in


you ask me for my love then you push me around


here's to you and your temper


yes, i remember what you said last night


and i know that you see what you're doing to me


tell me why


why, tell me why


i take a step back, let you go


i told you i'm not bulletproof


now you know


tell me why歌词

Tell Me Why

演唱: Declan Galbraith

In my dream,children sing

A song of love for every boy and girl

The sky is blue and fields are green

And laughter is the language of the world

Then i wake and all i see

Is a world full of people in need

Tell me why (why) does it he to be like this?

Tell me why (why) is there something i he missed?

Tell me why (why) cos i don’t understand

When so many need somebody

We don’t give a helping hand Tell me why?

Everyday i ask myself

What will i he to do to be a man?

Do i he to stand and fight

To prove to everybody who i am?

Is that what my life is for

To waste in a world full of war?

Tell me why (why) does it he to be like this?

Tell me why (why) is there something i he missed?

Tell me why (why) cos i don’t understand

When so many need somebody

We don’t give a helping hand Tell me why?

(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?

(children)tell me why?(declan)tell me why?

(together) just tell me why, why, why?

Tell me why (why) does it he to be like this?

Tell me why (why) is there something i he missed?

Tell me why (why) cos i don’t understand

When so many need somebody

We don’t give a helping hand

Tell me why (why,why,does the tiger run)

Tell me why(why why do we shoot the gun)

Tell me why (why,why do we never learn)

Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?

(why,why do we say we care)

Tell me why(why,why do we stand and stare)

Tell me why(why,why do the dolphins cry)

Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die?

(why,why if we’re all the same)

Tell me why(why,why do we pass the blame)

Tell me why (why,why does it never end)

Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?


larry cheng

求歌曲tell me why(是个英国小孩唱的) 的中英文歌词

In my dream, 在我梦中 children sing a song of love for every boy and girl . 孩子们为所有人吟唱着一首爱的歌. The sky is blue and fields are green and laughter is the language of the world. 蓝天碧草之间笑声成了世界通用的语言. Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need. 然而当我醒来的时候却发现世界上到处是需要帮助的人. Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it he to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I he missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cos'I don't understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don't give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 Every day, I ask myself, 每天我都在问自己 what will I he to do to be a man? 做为一个人我该做些什么 Do I he to stand and fight, to prove to everybody who I am? 我是不是要站起来抗争,向所有人证明我的价值 Is that what my life is far, to waste in a world full of war? 而这是不是意味着我的一生就将耗费在这满是战争的世界? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it he to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I he missed? 是不是我错过了什么? Tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cos'I don't understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody, 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don't give a helping hand. 我们却不伸出援助之手 tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) tell me why (tell me why) 告诉我为什么(告诉我为什么) just tell me why! 仅仅告诉我为什么! tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) does it he to be like this? 真的只能是这样吗? tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) is there something I he missed? 有什么我错过了? tell me why(why), 告诉我为什么(为什么) cos'I don't understand, 因为我实在是无法理解 when so many need somebody 有那么多需要帮助的人 we don't give a helping hand 我们不伸出援助之手 Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does the tiger run) (为什么,为什么,老虎也要逃跑) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we shoot the gun) (为什么,为什么,我们让射出枪膛) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we never learn) (为什么,为什么,我们从来不吸取教训) Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们烧毁森林 (Why,why,do we said we care) (为什么,为什么我们光说我们在乎) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we stand and stare) (为什么,为什么,我们只是站着旁观) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (why, why, do the dolphins cry) (为什么,为什么,海豚在哭泣) Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们让海洋死去 (Why,why,if we're all the same) (为什么,为什么,如果我们大家是一样的) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,do we pass and blame) (为什么,为什么,我们却在互相谴责) Tell me why? 告诉我为什么 (Why,why,does it never end) (为什么,为什么,这些永无休止) Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends? 谁能告诉我,为什么我们不能友好相处 Why,why,(do we close our eyes) 为什么,为什么,(我们闭上了我们的眼睛) Why,why,(do the greedy life) 为什么,为什么,(我们让生命满是贪婪) Why,why,(do we fight for land) 为什么,为什么,(我们为了土地而争斗) Can someone tell us why 'cos we don't understand? 谁能告诉我因为我们实在无法理解? Why,why?! 为什么,为什么?!

tell me why Taylor Swift 中文歌词

Tell Me Why

Singer: Declan Galbraith

Album: Tell me why

In my dream,

children sing

a song of love for every boy and girl .

The sky is blue and fields are green

and laughter is the language of the world.

Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need.

Tell me why(why),

does it he to be like this?

Tell me why(why),

is there something I he missed?

Tell me why(why),

cos' I don't understand,

when so many need somebody,

we don't give a helping hand.

Tell me why?

Every day,

I ask myself,

what will I he to do to be a man?

Do I he to stand and fight,

to prove to everybody who I am?

Is that what my life is far,

to waste in a world full of war?

Tell me why(why),

does it he to be like this?

Tell me why(why),

is there something I he missed?

Tell me why(why),

'cos I don't understand,

when so many need somebody,

we don't give a helping hand.

[Tell me why?

[Tell me why (Tell me why)?

Tell me why (Tell me why)?

Tell me why (Tell me why)?

Just tell me why!

Tell me why(why),

does it he to be like this?

Tell me why(why),

is there something I he missed?

Tell me why(why),

['cos I don't understand,

[when so many need somebody,

we don't give a helping hand.

Tell me why?

Why,why,does the tiger fun)

Tell me why?

[Why,why,do we shoot the gun)

Tell me why?

Why,why,do we never learn)

Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?

Why,why,do we say we care)

Tell me why?

Why,why,do we stand and stare)

Tell me why?

do the dolphins cry)

Can someone tell us why we let the ocean die?

Why,why,if we're all the same)

Tell me why?

Why,why,do we pass and blame)

Tell me why?

Why,why,does it never end)

Can someone tell us why we cannot just be friends?

Why,why,(do we close our eyes)

Why,why,(do the greedy life)

Why,why,(do we fight for land)

Can someone tell us why 'cos we don't understand?






































































Tell Me Why ----- Taylor Swift

i took a chance, i took a shot 机会来临,我出击了 

and you might think i'm bulletproof,but i'm not 也许你觉得我不怕任何伤害,但是我不是 you took a swing, i took it hard 你伤害了我,我很介意 

and down here from the ground i see who you are 直到现在,我看清了你的面目 

i'm sick and tired of your attitude 我厌倦了你的态度 

i'm feeling like i don't know you 我觉得我似乎不认识你 

you tell me that you love me then you cut me down 你说爱我,却又伤害我 

and i need you like a heartbeat 我需要你,你是我的心跳 

but you know you got a mean streak 但是你知道你自己有多卑劣 

makes me run for cover when you're around 当和你在一起,我就没有了自己 

and here's to you and your temper 着就是你和你的坏脾气 

yes, i remember what you said last night 是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话 

and i know that you see what you're doing to me 你了解自己对我所做的事 

tell me why.. 告诉我为什么。。 

you could write a book on 你可以写一本关于  

how to ruin someone's perfect day 如何破坏别人美好生活的书 

well i get so confused and frustrated 我是如此混乱和沮丧 

forget what i'm trying to say, oh 忘记我想说的话吧,噢 

i'm sick and tired of your reasons 我厌倦了你的借口 

i got no one to believe in 我不相信任何人 

you tell me that you want me, then push me around 你告诉我你需要我,却玩弄我 and i need you like a heartbeat 我需要你,你是我的心跳 

but you know you got a mean streak 但是你知道你自己有多卑劣 

makes me run for cover when you're around 当和你在一起,我就没有了自己 

here's to you and your temper 祝福你和你的坏脾气 

yes, i remember what you said last night 是的,我记得最后一晚你说的话 

and i know that you see what you're doing to me 你了解自己对我所做的事 

tell me why.. 告诉我为什么。。 

why..do you he to make me feel small 为什么,你一定要让我觉得无地自容吗 

so you can feel whole inside 这样你就可以感到 

why..do you he to put down my dreams 为什么,你一定要让我记住我的梦 

so you're the only thing on my mind 这样你就可以是我心中的唯一 

i'm sick and tired of your attitude 我对你的态度感到厌倦 

i'm feeling like i don't know you 我觉得我不认识你 

you tell me that you want me then cut me down 你告诉我你需要我,却又伤害我 

i'm sick and tired of your reasons 我厌倦了你的借口 

i've got no one to believe in 我不相信任何人 

you ask me for my love then you push me around 你要我爱你,却玩弄我 

here's to you and your temper 这就是你和你的坏脾气 

yes, i remember what you said last night 是的我记得最后一晚你说的话 

and i know that you see what you're doing to me 我知道你了解自己对我做的事 

tell me why 告诉我为什么 

why, tell me why 为什么。告诉我为什么 

i take a step back, let you go 我后退一步,让你走 

i told you i'm not bulletproof 告诉你我不是不怕伤害的 

now you know 现在你知道了